The Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute (RMBI) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that was created to promote and advance the use of Brainspotting, an emerging new treatment in psychotherapy. We are a professional association of psychotherapists who use Brainspotting in our practices. Donations support our Scholarship Treatment Fund (STF), through which we pay for Brainspotting therapy for those who do not have insurance or cannot otherwise afford to pay directly.
RMBI has been approved as a nonprofit partner by COLORADO GIVES DAY – and you can now donate to us securely through their platform! Click on the button below to be directed to our page on the COLORADOGIVES.ORG website:
Please consider making a donation to support the operation of RMBI and to underwrite the scholarship treatment fund. You can donate either by through, via PayPal from this page below, or by sending a check to the address below:
Make a check payable to “RMBI”
On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for “Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute”
Please mail your check to:
Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute
c/o Pie Frey
100 Arapahoe Ave, Suite #7
Boulder, CO 80302
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.