
“Sports Performance Expansion, Sports Injury Recovery, and Brain Health Optimization with Brainspotting” with Paige Roberts (May 2021 RMBI Brown Bag Recording)


“Sports Performance Expansion, Sports Injury Recovery, and Brain Health Optimization with Brainspotting” with Paige Roberts, LCSW (May 2021 RMBI Brown Bag Recording)


“Sports Performance Expansion, Sports Injury Recovery, and Brain Health Optimization with Brainspotting” with Paige Roberts, LCSW (May 2021 RMBI Brown Bag Recording)

Brainspotting (BSP) is a very powerful brain-based intervention that has been widely used in the treatment of trauma and conditions that may stem from it. Nonetheless, BSP was discovered (by David Grand) while working with an athlete. Since then, BSP has also evolved as a powerful intervention for both sports performance and brain-body health performance. This course aims at teaching participants specific set-ups on how to effectively implement BSP into a sports performance setting in addressing David Grand’s coined sports trauma which includes; sports failures and in jury resolution.

This course aims at teaching participants specific set-ups on how to effectively implement BSP into a concussion-Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) resolution setting and how to advocate for your clients in working with an integrative team of concussion-TBI experts. This course aims at teaching participants the neuroscience of how BSP assists individuals in strengthening their brain health optimization. Learn how Brainspotting integrates into ANY sports program to assist athletes in reaching their full sports performance potential.

Paige Roberts is a Mental Sports Performance Expert specializing in helping athletes reset their nervous system mentally to overcome performance anxiety, recover fully from sports injuries or failures and rebound from performance slumps or blocks. Paige owns a private practice (Paige Roberts Performance Neuro Training) where she implements various neuropsycho physiologic performance expansion modalities. And as of recent she is the creator of The Neural Frequency Enhancement Method which enables athletes to expand on their nervous system functioning in sports and in life!

Paige was led down this path through her personal experience as an NCAA athlete and the various challenges she faced. And through the loss of multiple athlete friends to suicide. She is on a mission to find and implement the most effective treatment modalities for athletes to end suffering and obtain optimal performance.

Paige has a degree in Exercise Science, Masters of Social Work and is a doctoral candidate of Integrative Medicine. She is a Licensed Clinical Social worker, Certified Light Therapist, Certified Brain Health Coach, Certified Brainspotting Practitioner Consultant, Neuro Linguistic Programming Coach, Hypnotherapist Coach, QEEG Brain Scan Practitioner and is an Applied Association of Sports Psychology Certified Mental Performance Consultant Candidate.

Paige spoke at The First Seattle Sports Medicine Combined, The First International
Brainspotting Conference, Seattle Tech Stars Startup Week, has sat on many mental health and athlete panels, has been a guest on numerous podcasts, featured in Ski Magazine, was on the Sun Valley Television Station and her revolutionary work has been published in the book Healing with Red Light.

Paige is an ambassador for the Concussion Legacy Foundation, and volunteers with the Sick Not Weak Initiative. And is an advocate for athlete’s human rights with the Association of Social Workers in Sports. To date she has helped hundreds of athletes win state championships, gain collegiate sports commitments, obtain national titles and Olympic medals.

Make a Donation

The Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute (RMBI) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that was created to promote and advance the use of Brainspotting, a brain-body treatment approach.

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