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Make A Donation

Please consider including RMBI in your charitable giving.

We ask for donations to support our work to promote mental health through Brainspotting, provide educational opportunities for members, and through our Scholarship Treatment Fund, we pay for Brainspotting therapy for individuals who do not have health insurance or the means to pay for therapy.


Member Directory

Susannah Muller- Therapist, Sports Psych, Performance Consultant

Practitioner Name: Susannah Muller

I have a dual practice, working with individuals with anxiety, depression, phobias, trauma, etc., as well as with athletes of all levels on improving confidence & performance.  A former National Team swimmer, I specialize in athletes who are struggling with confidence or who have a block such as a slump, a hiccup in their performance (choking, balking, yips, etc.), who do well in training but don’t perform well at competitions, or who get caught up overthinking & being a perfectionist. Please see my websites for more information.  I work remotely or in person.

Therapy: http://www.therapy-sandiego.com/

Sports Psych & Performance: http://www.levelupsportspsychology.com/#:~:text=Muller%2C%20a%20past%20US%20National,anxiety%20or%20other%20mental%20blocks.

Treatment Modalities:
  • Brainspotting
  • Coaching
  • Gestalt
Phone: 6197872743
5230 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego, CA, USA, Suite 314 92121
Meeting Clients:
  • Virtually
  • In-Person
  • Both In-Person and Virtually
Insurance Accepted:
  • We do not accept insurance
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