Member Directory
Laura Bressler, M.S., LAC, CCPT, Brainspotting Therapist, Certified Parent Coach, ADS, C.R.A.F.T. Facilitator
Laura Bressler
Laura specializes in working with parents struggling with a child’s substance misuse. She brings her unique blend of experience and education in substance abuse counseling, parent coaching, and trauma therapy to help her clients navigate through challenging times. Many clients find Brainspotting useful to heal the trauma experienced through these events, or to examine their own emotional and behavioral responses impacting their family patterns. Laura also is trained in the evidence-based program Community Reinforcement and Family Training (C.R.A.F.T.), and works with parents in groups and individually to apply these skills to reduce/eliminate their child’s substance use, repair family relationships, and improve their own functioning.
- Brainspotting
- Coaching
- Mindfulness
2699 5th St., Boulder, CO 80304
- Virtually
- In-Person
- Both In-Person and Virtually
- We do not accept insurance